Extending Cable Life for Offshore Wind


Understanding the factors that contribute to array cable deterioration is of vital importance to offshore wind farm operators. The array cable movement, and the accompanying dynamic loads and cyclic fatigue can contribute to premature failure, high repair costs, and interrupted production. The client wanted to establish 3D model baselines for future change detection.


The asset owner and the ROV service provider had used ROV3D for a previous campaign and, due to its success, ROV3D was their preferred solution. ROV3D’s performance in the challenging visibility conditions of shallow water made it a good tool to collect 3D model baselines without significantly expanding the inspection schedule.


Over short intervals scheduled during four operational days, 16 CPSes and 23 anodes were scanned. The resultant 3D models empower the asset owner to monitor changes in key cable characteristics like cable catenary, seabed touchdown, and burial points, and conditions like cable protection system damage and marine growth accumulation, over time.